Vegetarians of the third kind.

Just a passing observation.

When I was growing up in India, I saw two kind of Vegetarians.

1. Religious veggie: Those who did not consume meat because their religious leader told them so or interpreted their holy teachings as such.

2. Spiritual veggie: Those who wanted to live a more aware life and hence felt the cruelty towards animals can be avoided, since they can live easily on a vegetarian diet.

In both of these cases, they abandoned intoxicants (alcohol in particular) too. The religious people did so, because the leader told them. The spiritual ones did it because they valued their senses and losing control over them was not desirable.

I recently came across a third category of vegetarians: Those who feel either feel empathetic towards animals or have some other global warming theories that convince them to become vegetarian. They dont seem to have any problem in losing control of their senses with intoxicants. I call them the Rational veggies. (Though the intoxication part seems a little irrational to me.)

(Yes i have completely ignored the mom-scared vegetarians who are not so vegi. once they are out of their mom's sight. :)  Actually I fall into another minor subset - roommate veggi "One who is vegetarian for the fear of roommates! JK.)

Coming soon a post on 'Vegan Superpowers' :)-


Jagjinder said…
Haha! good post! where do you keep me? which kind of vegetarian am i?? :-)
@Babiha Who am I to tell?

But since you asked,
I think you are just a vegetarian by nature and try in futility to search for reasons to make us understand.

So may be you are the Evolved Vegetarian - The rest of us might take a few generations to reach your state of being :).
pandit ji said…
i feel its like what u eat like thats what u become so eating animal means again developing animal instincts , away from being human...
i also feel it depends on place like in deserts of arab or snow fields of US then u have no option but to eat animals to survive..

by the way if i remember u left purely veg world during ur jakarta trip..seeing the veg food of monks :)